Posters, flyers, website Time Crystals 1 – Billy Bultheel (2024)

Concept:”time-based art”: a sequence of flyers and posters make up the word “Time”. Time Crystals is a time based arts program initiated and organized with curator Suzanne Wallinga. Together with a diverse range of collaborators including artists, musicians, scholars of performance art, sound artists, filmmakers, writers, and other creatives, we are crafting a dynamic live

— > Listen to our typographic pop agenda for Zoo productions (2009)

The design explained in a few words: The days of the week of this agenda are replaced by words that form parts of popsongs. Together with the colour pages they reflect the hidden emotions behind the week. The Typeface is derived from Elegant Grotesk, used by Peter Saville for a New Order sleeve (Movement). Everyday life in